Thursday, March 13, 2025

Note from the Editor – March 2024

From editor, David Porter

Welcome to the March 2024 issue of Grey Power Magazine. And special thanks to those who have been able to take advantage of the benefits of opting to receive an online subscription to our magazine. As well as providing a user-friendly and accessible option to keep informed about matters of interest to us, this is also assisting all members in keeping our overall budget under control.

David Porter, editor

I’d like to make a brief comment endorsing the selfless time and energy that all Grey Power members put into the organisation. Having attended a number of the AGMs, I’m very aware of the energy and devotion that is generated by members.

In particular, I would alert you to Jan’s President’s Report and an article in this issue by Lew Findlay, entitled We need your help. Lew is writing to draw attention to the concerns of the Membership/Association Support of Grey Power New Zealand, which he chairs.

We are a powerful organisation that could be doing even more in order to grow our presence across New Zealand. We need to work as a team in order to make our collective presence even more strongly felt.

As Lew notes: “Remember most older people vote. Not all younger people do, so we carry an awful lot of influence with our elected members. Why don’t you ask one of your friends to join us? “

Grey Power New Zealand frequently goes to the Government and advocates on behalf of older people to our ministers and other relevant people. And, as Lew notes, our politicians take real note of numbers. The larger our membership, the more compelling and effective our message will be in reaching policy makers and others and affect change. And more of our politicians would be lining up to listen to the message from our members.


If you have paid, thank you. If not, please pay promptly to your Association. If you remain unfinancial, this will be the last magazine you will receive from Grey Power Federation. You will also not be entitled to receive any other benefits the Federation or your own Association may have on offer. Remember, you must be a financial Grey Power Association member to belong to Grey Power Electricity and receive cheaper electricity rates and any future additional benefits they may make available to members.

The Grey Power Federation Facebook page is now live! We invite you to visit and ‘like’ the page to help strengthen our digital presence and support the important work of Grey Power. 
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