HomeHealth & Wellbeing

Health & Wellbeing

Listen: Cognitive tests assessing driver impairment in question

Grey Power is calling for a change to elderly driver assessments, claiming the process for assessing driver capability is penalising some of the very people who need their licences the most.

Stay healthy for them this winter

The flu vaccine is free if you’re over 65. It’s also free for children and adults with certain underlying health conditions, including diabetes, heart and lung diseases, and mental health conditions. To book your flu vaccine: visit BookMyVaccine.nz call the Vaccination Healthline on 0800 28 29 26 contact your doctor, pharmacy...

Home support provides a crucial service

Many Grey Power members are aware that the Federation supports other organisations to improve conditions for older people and one of these kindred organisations is the E tū union which empowers its members to improve their working lives and advocate for better conditions. Home and Community Support Service carers...

Challenging ageism and making next year younger

Julian Fairfield (76) is a bit of an aberration when it comes to business start-ups. In an era dominated by youngsters fresh out of tertiary education, Julian is a remarkable exception because, three years ago, he embarked on a ground-breaking new venture offering precision healthcare to New Zealanders aged...

The Great Big Hearing Check

Who do you hear for? Your mates, your favourite co-worker, your grand-kids or your better-half? Whoever it is, the Great Big Hearing Check 2024 is the perfect time to check up on your hearing health at greatbighearingcheck.co.nz. The Great Big Hearing Check is more than just a great reminder to...

Q: What is the best form of Magnesium to take for my health?

A: Magnesium is a vital mineral that plays a crucial role in the healthy functioning of every cell of the body. To give you an idea about the variety of important roles it plays in our vitality, here are ten parts of the body that utilise magnesium significantly: Muscles:...

If you recognised any of these symptoms in your friend or loved one, they may be experiencing hearing loss

Your family and friends often notice before you do that you are missing sounds, misunderstanding conversations or not engaging in social activities as much as you used to. Here are some tips to help you address the situation with them: Find a private, comfortable space. Try to be patient and...

Can the skin damage cycle be reversed?

Dr Iona Weir, cell biologist and founder of innovative New Zealand skin science company Atopis believes it can. We all know that skin aging is a fact of life, driven by both external factors like UV damage and environmental pollution, and internal factors like declining collagen and elastin production as...

Embrace the Golden Years: Navigating seasonal blues with vital nutrients

As summer gracefully yields to the embrace of autumn, many of us find ourselves facing the seasonal blues that often accompany the changing weather. In this edition, we explore some lifestyle tips and vital nutrients to uplift spirits and enhance well-being during the fall season and beyond. Discover how...

ACC launches free Nymbl app

KEEP doing what you love with ACC’s free digital balance app, Nymbl. ACC has launched Nymbl: a free balance training and education app that is available for anyone over the age of 50 to download and apply to their daily life. There are already over 40,000 users in New Zealand...
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