Saturday, October 26, 2024

Candidates for election at the AGM

This year’s annual general meeting election in July will see some new contenders for the top role.

Two members – Gayle Chambers and Raymond Mudford – are standing for the seat of president that, as explained in our cover story, Jan Pentecost stood down from unexpectedly early.

As well, Lew Findlay, who already serves as Grey Power Federation Treasurer has been re-appointed to the role as he was the sole contender for the position. He considers himself a dedicated professional with proven knowledge of government policy and regulations, legislative processes, and statistical analysis.

“I aim to leverage my abilities to successfully fill the position of treasurer for Grey Power,” he said.

“I am a quality-oriented professional with proven knowledge of statistical, government, and government affairs consulting. I aim to leverage my abilities to successfully fill the treasurer position in the Grey Power Federation.”

“I am a dedicated professional with proven performance in management, leadership, and communication. I am detail-oriented in problem-solving and planning.”

Findlay said that he aimed to continue to see that the Federation’s finances were transparent and reports readily available to all associations, and that budgets would be set realistically and worked to.

“I seek to leverage my skills and knowledge to contribute to Grey Powers’ success.”

Presidential candidate – Gayle Chambers

Gayle Chambers has submitted her name as a candidate for the position of president. She is 66 and believes she will be able to bring a lot of energy to the role.

“In any role as a national president of an organisation you need to have a vast array of skills such as leadership experience, which I have gained on the boards and committees I have worked on,” she said.

Gayle said she works strategically to better meet the aims and goals of the organisation, matching portfolio roles to each member based on experience and enthusiasm within the board, good communication with all facets of the organisation and a strong work ethic to meet its needs.

“In my journey with Grey Power Marlborough, over many years, I have held the roles of secretary, membership, vice president and am currently in my 3rd term as president,” she said. She is also currently the Zone 5 Director.

“I am very passionate about Grey Power and the cause of promoting seniors’ rightful needs in New Zealand,” she said.

“I have applied for this role as president as I believe the board requires strong leadership if we are to continue meeting our obligations in the future. Thank you for considering my application.”

Presidential candidate – Raymond Mudford

Ray Mudford is currently the Zone 3 Representative on the Grey Power Federation Board and is passionate about helping older people achieve a quality of life in their retirement.

In a former life he has been actively involved in improving organisations, some moving from loss to surplus.

He has been involved with charities, not-for-profit, government and private sector organisations at Board and operational levels.

He has successfully undertaken roles as board chairman, chief executive, chief information officer, strategic planner, international consultant, chief financial officer and auditor.

His New Zealand assignments have taken him to America, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong.

Ray was asked by the Hamilton Association to be nominated for Grey Power president and he is supported by his family. His vision is to change the perception that older people are a drain on society, to the reality that society needs older people because of their experience and that they care about, are willing to be volunteers for future New Zealand. It is not about us, it is for future generations (the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren).

He wants to see a change in the Grey Power organisation where everyone knows how Grey Power works and how they can positively contribute to achieving a society where older people feel safe, healthy and have adequate finances. He has a reputation as a Lleader, visionary, team player and to advocating ‘let’s do it together’.

“We need to work together on our dreams and aspirations for the future and roll up our sleeves to achieve these,” he said.

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