Monday, March 10, 2025

Enlisting support from Labour spokesperson

Among productive meetings at Parliament last month, Grey Power president Gayle Chambers and national secretary, Jo Millar met with Ingrid Leary, Labour spokesperson for seniors.

A range of issues were raised with Ms Leary including the need to extend the age group eligible for the shingles vaccine subsidy.

Although Mrs Chambers emphasised it was vital that Pharmac re-instate the subsidy for those over 65 years of age, Ms Leary said it was Labour policy not to interfere with Pharmac decisions. However, she agreed it was important for Grey Power to continue to pursue this campaign.

Disparities in age care and the lack of progress on implementing recommendations in the Sapere report were also raised with Ms Leary suggesting the issue should be taken up with Labour MP Tracey McLellan who is Labour’s associate spokesperson on health.

Fortunately, a meeting had already been scheduled with Ms McLellan for that same day (see article opposite).

On a brighter note, Ms Leary indicated she would be prepared to take the matter further on a local basis while on a broader front she would try to enlist some people to comment on their loss of home support, another issue Grey Power is keen to see addressed.

Mrs Chambers said Grey Power would make further inquiries and gather additional information to support widening home support duties, adding she hoped the meeting would spark some perceivable action and outcomes on issues raised as many seem to be held in abeyance.

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