Monday, February 24, 2025

Death Without Debt

Zone 4 Grey Power board member COLLEEN SINGLETON reports on Fergus Wheeler’s Death without Debt address to Parliament’s Health Select Committee on Sept 25, 2024.

Founder of the Death Without Debt movement, Fergus Wheeler, recently outlined to Parliament, suggested reforms to the country’s outdated burial, cremation and death registration laws and regulations.

He has made similar presentations to some Grey Power associations so his message will be familiar to many members.

In particular, Fergus noted that when families/whanau are overcome with grief following the loss of a loved one, they often face overwhelming funeral costs due to limited choice.

He drew attention to the many difficulties and expenses which can occur when the family breadwinner dies. For example, loss of household income is often accompanied by potentially high costs for funeral expenses and other needs.

While families/whānau want the very best for their treasured relative, Fergus pointed out that sometimes this may be a simple, dignified funeral.

However, he said many people don’t understand that such an option may be available and they can end up paying more than they can afford.

Stories of families paying off funeral expenses for a number of years was one major issue raised but the Death Without Debt submission is not only about cost. It also addresses providing choices to bereaved families.

This may include having personal involvement with their relative in their last day or hours. They may want to attend to some arrangements afterwards, for example, laying out and having family and friends at the house with the deceased until such time as he or she is buried or cremated.

Grey Power Federation – together with the wide range of not-for-profit organisations and interested parties who lent support at the hearing – was asked to champion Mr Wheeler at his presentation.

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