Friday, March 14, 2025

The challenges of retirement

DISCLAIMER: Letters to the editor are very welcome, but please note that these reflect the views of the individual writer, not those of Grey Power.

Grey Power members who are in the workforce will be looking forward to retirement, particularly after 40 to 50 years in the workforce.

As well as keeping fit and being financially stable, being retired does come with challenges, particularly the time element.

During work the Grey Power member routinely works at least five days of the week, [so] retirement can be a long 7 days of the week!

After nearly 50 years in the workforce I retired and was immediately into a child-minding role which involved out of the district travel, a change from being in the Royal Navy and in Local Government.

A huge bonus in my retirement years was meeting my wife to be (Joy), planning the wedding, developing the residential property and planning an overseas trip to UK.

On the negative side, despite being fit at retirement age I unfortunately had to have two cataracts removed, property development resulted in two hernias, melanoma and skin cancer [had to be] surgically removed, a stroke that landed me in hospital for three weeks and a long term course of eye injections (quite painful).

In the workforce I [also] had two major incidents playing association football: a double break of the right leg and a rib injury.

In retirement you certainly have to keep fit, watch your diet, have brain stimulation and join a social club and keep up your Grey Power membership!

Bill Stirling

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