Friday, March 14, 2025

Power concerns raised

DISCLAIMER: Letters to the editor are very welcome, but please note that these reflect the views of the individual writer, not those of Grey Power.

Greetings. I have a big complaint that I request the Committee of Grey Power take up for not only me, but all Senior Citizens who belong to Grey Power and are having their power supplied via Grey Power Electricity.

My latest invoice from Grey Power Electricity is $144.96.

The actual power usage is $49.94. All the rest is made up of fees including GST of $18.90.

Totally unacceptable and I am in the process of finding a new power supplier. That is a challenge as I have asked several for a breakdown of their fees and am still waiting replies.

We who use Grey Power Electricity are being ripped off big time and it has to stop.

So I request in the next magazine an article is published seeking comment from members who use Grey Power Electricity and also an approach made to the Minister for Seniors for help to have the fees reduced.

Noel Pryce

Their response:

At Grey Power Electricity, we break down the charges so our customers can see exactly what they are paying for. As an example, we commit to flowing through Network Services charges with no mark up.

Most of our customers will see that Network Services charges often make up 30-40% of each bill. Network Services are displayed on the bill as a separate line item, and we also include the name of the local Network Services Company. We are the only retailer providing this level of transparency to our customers.  We encourage our customers to reach out to us if they ever have questions about their bill.

As a side note, (if this customer would like me to personally call them to talk about this then I am happy to do this). Thanks

Sharnie Warren, CEO,
Grey Power Electricity

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