Monday, February 17, 2025

Can the skin damage cycle be reversed?

Dr Iona Weir, cell biologist and founder of innovative New Zealand skin science company Atopis believes it can.

We all know that skin aging is a fact of life, driven by both external factors like UV damage and environmental pollution, and internal factors like declining collagen and elastin production as we grow older. That’s why if we want healthy, glowing skin as we age, protecting the integrity of our skin against damage factors is the key.

The skin damage cycle

Unfortunately, these well known factors can be made much worse when we find ourselves caught up in a “damage cycle” with our skin. We can get caught in a damage cycle when we try to use “quick fixes” to address our skin issues, such as overusing retinols and acids.

These common beauty treatments, which can give short term plumping and boosting to our skin, unfortunately when used repeatedly undermine our skin in the long term.

Retinols accelerate cell turnover in your underlying skin layers, stressing and weakening the cellular bonds, making your skin thin, fragile and more sensitive to sunlight. This leads to more epidermal and underlying skin layers, which leads to more use of “quick fixes”, and so the cycle continues.

A new science of skin health

Kiwi cell biologist Dr Iona Weir was concerned by many of the trends creating hidden long term risks for women.

So she used her 35 years of original research in human and plant cellular systems to invent a whole new science of skin health – Atopis® daily care and AtopisMed® dermatological products.

Unlike “quick fix” skincare, Atopis is designed to reset and reactivate your own skin’s natural repair and renewal systems, bringing them back into a healthy balance.

“There’s been a lot of emphasis in skin care on fashion, or celebrity, which is just not going to help people. In fact it’s about giving our body’s complex cellular systems, which have been around for millions of years, some respect”, says Dr Weir.

“I designed to Atopis get your skin out of the damage cycle so many women find themselves in and to reset your inbuilt biological renewal systems. This can be done at any age, and once that happens you get what our users call ‘The Atopis Glow’ – and you only need minimal maintenance to keep it!

“Some of our customers have spent a lifetime trying the most  expensive skin care in the world, and are thrilled to finally find something that actually helps them.”

Using cell biology to reverse the cycle

“While cell biology is complex, the Atopis philosophy is simple: healthy skin is beautiful skin. If your skin is struggling, it’s hard to look and feel your best. But once it’s in a healthy cycle, looking good becomes easy” says Dr Weir.

Powering the Atopis range is Dr Weir’s big breakthrough in cell biology: The Myrecil® Ingredient. She originally invented it for treating persistent dermatological conditions like eczema and rosacea.

But Myrecil was soon found to be powerfully effective for damaged, sensitive and prematurely aged skin too. “I developed Myrecil here in New Zealand using totally natural ingredients,” she says. “It’s been successfully clinically trialled, and is now globally patented and OTC registered with the USFDA.

“Myrecil is as effective as leading retinols, but because I’ve used a completely different cellular pathway, Myrecil has no concerning retinol side effects such as skin thinning, sun sensitivity and redness. It’s the secret behind our most popular range: the Intensive Restore system, which I designed specifically for addressing issues for people 50+.

“It will help you get out of the damage cycle and reset your own natural renewal systems so your skin can repair itself properly.”

“I founded Atopis® because while most skincare products are created for women, there’s almost no genuine skin science invented by women. After all, women are different right down to the cellular level. It’s time for a new approach,” says Dr Weir.

Atopis is a Grey Power partner, meaning our members get 20% off all Atopis products. Simply visit and use the code GP20 at the checkout. Please note this discount will not apply to items already on sale.

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