Saturday, October 26, 2024

2023 AGM Workshop Results

The AGM widely canvassed views from members on options for increasing membership numbers and support from the community. Below we address some of the key suggestions.

1. How could the Federation significantly boost annual income by at least $150K/year without increasing capitation fees?

  • Increase membership
  • Engage with the public
  • Hold presentations at marae and other ethnic people
  • Give presentations to clubs, churches etc
  • Get more sponsorship
  • Approach rich listers
  • Relevance issues – eg health and gain a profile
  • Other bank sponsorship – eg TSB or COOP
  • Primarily through increased membership
  • Employ a CEO
  • Recruit famous person as advocate
  • Seek donors
  • To get the message out expand GPE offering to include broadband
  • To ensure each person in a couple are members
  • Going more public – A&P shows etc
  • Effectively use our database for discounts and offers
  • Make GP attractive to 50-60 year olds
  • Scouting used Bear Grylls – who could GP use as Patron/Advocate?
  • Have a Grey October – employ marketing company
  • Associations with increase of over 20% in year receive subsidy to AGM
  • Reduce magazine to 3 x per year with 1 copy per household
  • Sale of merchandise in Associations – eg Owl badges etc
  • National membership Campaign
  • KiwiBank sponsorship
  • Spot ads on local radio stations
  • Replacement for KiwiBank
  • Re-evaluate the energy discount
  • Review funding schemes
  • Develop marketing plan that includes sponsorship from Eldercare
  • Sponsorship from retirement villages – eg Ryman, Summerset etc
  • Approach other banks
  • Actively look for sponsorship as per GPE, such as an insurance company, motor vehicle, mobility appliances etc
  • Get more members
  • Maintain database more efficiently
  • Contact members before membership is cancelled
  • Creating a national board membership drive
  • More sponsorship – Fletchers, AirNZ, insurance, breweries, Ryman, Specsavers, Lotto etc

2. What does the Federation need to do to increase national membership from today’s 45,000 to 100,000 by the 2027 AGM?

  • Increase our profile in any way we can
  • Persuade members to join other members
  • More benefits
  • Benefits of GP – join person up there and then
  • Federation ask Associations to share successes
  • Visibility improved online
  • Grey Power visibility as in Office, Farmers Markets, Senior Expos etc
  • Raise awareness
  • GPE carrot
  • Join family up
  • Find ways to increase visibility and demonstrate positive activities and outcomes
  • Help create Age Friendly spaces (Local Government, Agencies etc)
  • External advertising
  • Scrap 50+ policy/focus
  • Promotions/events
  • Communicate with other ethnic groups
  • Each Association has a webpage available on the Federation website (not all can afford a website)
  • Better/more publicity
  • Publicise what we do
  • Speak out on issues
  • Competition to get new members – prize for person who recruits the most
  • Prize for Association that recruits highest % new members
  • Recognition for bring in new members
  • Food Coop for GP members
  • Find a wow factor for joining GP
  • Keep NZ Super as a universal entitlement
  • Have a purpose
  • Have a single focus – cost of living, healthcare
  • Tell the stories of older people
  • Get respect back for older people – get champions
  • Advertise the GP successes
  • Get GP on Q&A – cost of living
  • More exposure and promotion through individual association – eg Community Van – lift profile
  • Federation to advertise once a year in a major publication as to what we stand for
    Social media, Facebook
  • More emphasis on 50+
  • Adverts on supermarket notice boards
  • Notices in libraries, medical centres, local phone directories etc

3. What can we do to significantly improve the quality and effectiveness of our advocacy work as an organisation?

  • Storm parliament
  • What influences politicians
  • Associations to have the opportunity to have advocacy published in local papers so it is nationwide
  • Federation to keep Associations up to date on current information to share with members
  • Specific examples of hardship/ breaking down WINZ barriers
  • Identify an define core objectives – develop strategic plan – communicate
  • Board training in advocacy with followup
  • Free online resources – guidelines
  • Become more ethnically diverse
  • Coop people with relevant skills and knowledge to the Board
  • Communicate
  • Grey Power heroes for each Zone – eg Bob Charles for Zone 6
  • More meetings online with faster feedback for NAGs
  • Faster response from NAGs to Associations
  • Board meetings only quarterly for more time to focus more on advocacy
  • Improve information flow and response times
  • Hot seat office in Wellington to meet and greet
  • Use GP member skills
  • A young parliament but 1.3 million >60 year olds vote
  • Involve the media in topical issues at meetings
  • Sitting in a public place – eg libraries, advertising Grey Power
  • Sausage sizzle outside supermarket etc
  • Volunteering for public events – eg school sports day
  • Need to employ a skilled CE – A professional organisation
  • More communication between Zone and Associations at the grass roots level to be conveyed to the Fed
  • Improve relationships with key personnel
  • More meetings with people in power – at least three – incorporate with Board Meetings
  • Somehow get more media time – let’s make a noise – also socially
  • Advocating with our local MPs and councils
  • Meet with Te Whatu Ora & PHO groups
  • Candidate meetings in September

4. How can we better support our struggling Associations around the country?

  • Share information from high membership associations with struggling associations to offer support
  • Helping other Associations to run meetings – eg candidate meetings
  • What support do they need?
  • Recruiting people with special skills onto their committees
  • Toolkit on Federation website (Gayle Chambers willing to assist in creation)
  • Promote younger membership
  • Discount books
  • Zone support for struggling Associations
  • Review and enhance communications to share skills and experience – especially success stories
  • More templates and advice on governance vs management of Associations.
  • Communication
  • Progress reports
  • Zone Meeting reports – what have you done in your area with regard to advocacy?
  • CEO
  • Change focus from coffee mornings
  • Value to community?
  • How do we support and protect or advance the welfare of our members?
  • Pair up Associations
  • Zone Directors with Zone Executive to work with struggling Associations
  • Think outside the square
  • Federation to procure those with special skills for problem areas
  • Another Zone may be able to help
  • Federation supply a standardised template for a brochure that can be personalised bu each Association
  • Each association has page on Federation website
  • Encourage mentoring within each Zone
  • Templates for various issues – eg constitutions
  • Information out to Associations with policy/position on issue and activity ongoing
  • Better Zone support for those struggling
  • Identify the sustainability
  • We need to give them a message
  • Partner strong Association with struggling one
  • Social media
  • Share “what works for us”
  • Do a “what works for us” survey
  • Find out what organisations give discounts
  • Communication – define the actual problem/struggle
  • We need to give the Board more support and help with everyday operations.
  • Simply communicate
  • Nelson address Board on why they are so successful – and Associations
  • Listen to Associations more as to what’s happening
  • Make sure you act on what’s presented – don’t fob it off
  • Need more feedback on what’s happening – eg How many people in GP?
  • Membership packs from Federation HO
  • Take part in market days
  • Join neighbouring associations for meetings

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