Thursday, March 13, 2025

Call for co-ordinated aged care agencies

Zone 4 Grey Power board member, COLLEEN SINGLETON reports on Grey Power’s recent presentation at a parliamentary meeting on the Health Select Committee’s inquiry into aged care.

Grey Power’s presence at this recent Health Select Committee meeting was to further support our submission to the aged care inquiry. (See submission on the Federation website).

Our review of many similar submissions showed there appears to be little collaboration between multiple services to Kiwi seniors; in other words, skilled professionals and agencies seem to work largely independently of each other with little communication between them.

We feel this has created difficult time frames for services to seniors and their families/whānau. We put to the inquiry an often-asked question: ‘which service has an overview of the resident/patient?’

Grey Power’s submission covered principal concerns reported by members – models of care, home care services, housing, medical and more.

Although the select committee is also looking at funding models for the future, Grey Power did not submit on this section as the skills to undertake such complex work was felt to be beyond our capabilities.

However, we did make the point that: “a just and civil society cares for its older people and respects the contribution they have made to society during their lifetime.”

Again, we emphasised that despite strategies and action plans relevant to ageing well, there is no coordinated strategy focused on our ageing and increasingly diverse population, including rising numbers of people with chronic conditions and high health needs.

In particular, the Health Committee was urged to use its influence and recommend to the Government that it develop a strategy for older people and/or develop a Social Investment Policy to cover elements presently dealt with by several agencies.

A prospective strategy should include, but not be limited to:

  • Cost of living
  • Health
  • Retirement income
  • Housing
  • Sustainable transport options

Many older people feel unsure about their future, especially their financial ability to care for themselves as they age. With this in mind, the Better Life Strategy 2019-2034 needs to be updated.

It does not pull the various entities together nor bind them to common solutions for older people.

Interestingly the Aged Care Commissioner has even reported: “There is no dedicated strategy and planning for the health and disability needs of an ageing population. Despite strategies and action plans relevant to ageing well, there is no coordinated strategy focused on our ageing and increasingly diverse population, including rising numbers of people with chronic conditions and high health needs.”¹

This is something Grey Power wants addressed urgently.

The Office for Seniors, the Aged Care Commissioner and the Retirement Commissioner (retirement villages) provide policy advice/recommendations about services for older people. We want to see an all-encompassing strategy developed for older people and to include a review of how services for seniors can be better aligned.

¹. Amplifying the voices of older people across Aotearoa New Zealand Report, Aged Care Commissioner, 2024

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