Aside from NZ Superannuation (or the Veteran’s Pension) and the Winter Energy Payment, the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) can offer assistance for other needs.
Here is an overview of some available support to those who meet the requirements of an income, and in most cases, asset test.
Help with housing costs
The accommodation supplement is a regular payment which helps with the cost of renting, boarding or owning your own home. It is paid along with your NZ Super.
There is also a rates rebate scheme for low-income earners.
Visit or contact your local council for more information.
Help with health costs
The disability allowance is a regular payment to help with ongoing disability and health-related costs (e.g. travelling to appointments, medical alarms, or special foods).
An income test, but not an asset test, is required in order to qualify.
A community services card provides discounts on doctor’s visits and some other costs. If you have a SuperGold Card, you can get a combo card for both.
Help with urgent and unexpected costs
MSD may be able to help pay for expenses such as essential dental treatment, new glasses, replacing a washing machine or refrigerator, house or car repairs, or simply to pay for food.
Some of these costs may need to be repaid.
Funeral grant
Depending on the financial state and assets of the deceased, a funeral grant may help with some funeral costs.
If the deceased is your partner or child (under 18), a grant may also depend on your income and any money or assets you have.
To learn more
If you are online, discover more at or check what entitlements you may qualify for at
Alternatively, give Senior Services a call on 0800 552 002 or visit your local MSD service centre.