Monday, March 10, 2025

Ongoing driver licence saga

Despite issues raised with NZTA by Grey Power last year, clarity about the use of cognitive tests by GPs for renewal of driving licences for seniors has not been forthcoming in the new guidelines.

It appears that the NZTA feels powerless to direct how medical professionals should act when evaluating senior drivers.

However, it does acknowledge the current situation has created stress, unnecessary cost, and unfair outcomes for many seniors.

To try and address this, NZTA is setting up a forum which involves NZTA, the Royal College of GPs, Occupational Therapists, the Ministry of Health, Police, Grey Power and Age Concern.

The aim is for all parties to better understand the issues affecting senior drivers attempting to renew their licences. This month the forum will explore what practical steps can be taken to restore a level playing field for all.

Importantly, NZTA has moved to address long wait times for securing an On Road Safety Test (ORST) with accredited examiners around the country.

This has resulted in waiting times being significantly reduced.

NZTA has also clarified that the ORST is free to all drivers 75 or older. This applies to those referred for the test by their GP/specialist and those who want to take a test prior a driving medical with their GP.

The ORST is also a significant part of the assessment for those referred to an occupational therapist by their GP. However, the cost may exceed $1000. In many cases the free ORST may have been all that was required to satisfy a GP that a senior was fit to driving.

However, many GPs appear not to utilise this less expensive option for determining driving competence. While this campaign for a fairer process has been protracted, we will not rest until positive solutions are implemented. Updates will be posted on our Facebook page and website.

NOTE: NZTA have just announced that seniors can now apply for their licence renewal up to six months prior to their birthday. It is hoped that this will avoid expiry of licence due to lack of adequate time.

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