Monday, February 17, 2025

Sample Category Title

Aged Advisor awards honour industry stars

The 2024 Aged Advisor People’s Choice Awards for Best Retirement Village and Aged Care Facilities have been held every year for 10 years. They celebrate the best of the best across Aotearoa. Four North Island and four South Island gold winners were chosen this year naming Aged Care, Retirement &...

Call for co-ordinated aged care agencies

Grey Power’s presence at this recent Health Select Committee meeting was to further support our submission to the aged care inquiry. (See submission on the Federation website). Our review of many similar submissions showed there appears to be little collaboration between multiple services to Kiwi seniors; in other words, skilled...

Premium aged care unaffordable for many

Aged care residents live in one of two very different worlds. Those who can (for the moment) afford thousands of dollars to pay for rooms with ensuites and garden views and those who can’t. If the nearly 40,000 Kiwis’ living in aged care facilities all lived in one place, the...

Death Without Debt

Founder of the Death Without Debt movement, Fergus Wheeler, recently outlined to Parliament, suggested reforms to the country’s outdated burial, cremation and death registration laws and regulations. He has made similar presentations to some Grey Power associations so his message will be familiar to many members. In particular, Fergus noted that...

Publication postage charge in the wind

Due to the increasing burden of postage costs for our magazine, the Federation board has made the reluctant decision to implement an annual delivery fee of $10, commencing from Issue 2 in June 2025. The annual costs of postage for the Federation magazine now exceeds $200,000 annually and is stifling...

Grey Power goes to Parliament

Grey Power president, Gayle Chambers, and national secretary, Jo Millar’s recent parliamentary visit to raise a number of age concerns was, in general, met favourably. GAYLE CHAMBERS reports.

Ryman celebrates 40 years with village-wide birthday events

Ryman Healthcare marked a major milestone this week, celebrating its 40th birthday with a series of events held across its villages in Australia and New Zealand. Residents, team members, and guests came together for a variety of activities, including an ‘80s-themed Happy Hour held at each village on 19...

Age Concern on the job

Services offered by Age Concern are many and varied as demonstrated via a comprehensive presentation at the recent Grey Power Federation annual meeting. Age Concern chief executive Karen Billings-Jensen covered virtually every aspect of why, who, where, what and how Age Concern carries out is objectives. Dedicated to seniors over the...

New president powers ahead

Gayle Chambers has hit the ground running in her new role as national president of Grey Power New Zealand Inc. Eager to embrace her new presidential role, Gayle Chambers says her first thought after election at the recent annual meeting in Wellington was: “What the hell have I done!” But...

The Power of Grey Power

A wide range of issues which matter to older New Zealanders were addressed at the recent Grey Power Federation annual meeting in Wellington Key topics included lobbying for fair superannuation policies, improving healthcare access and in-home care, and safeguarding senior rights. Exciting new initiatives such as enhancing Grey Power’s digital...